+351 221 109 352 (Chamada para Rede Fixa Nacional) |

General Conditions

This website is for the user's personal, non-commercial use. It is therefore expressly prohibited to copy, distribute, alter, transmit, display, reproduce, publish, transfer or sell any information, products or services obtained through it. In no case will the agency be liable for any damage resulting from or in any way related to the use of the website. The agency does not guarantee that its web pages will have no errors or other difficulties. The agency reserves the right to manipulate, without prior notice and for whatever reason, any information present on the website. The user is responsible for reviewing the content whenever consulting or booking trips through it. The continued use of the website after any changes made will be considered as acceptance of them.

The technical organization of the trips included in this website is the sole responsibility of the Tour Operators, duly identified and AMG TRAVEL, Lda. - RNAVT: 5639.

Upon registration, the customer must deposit 30% of the trip price, settling the remaining 70% up to 21 days before departure. If the registration takes place 21 days or less from the date of departure, the total price of the trip must be paid at the time of registration, subject to obtaining from the suppliers the confirmation of reservations for all travel services and reconfirmation of the final price.
AMG Travel reserves the right to cancel any registration whose payment has not been made under the conditions mentioned above.

Reservation Expenses
For each booking, a € 15 non-refundable service fee will be charged

They will be analyzed on a case-by-case basis, always considering the legal penalties and eventual changes in the final price. If it is not possible to make the change, the customer will be subject to the expenses and charges provided for in the “Withdrawal” item.


Subscription Assignment
The customer can give up his registration, making himself replaced by another person who fulfills all the conditions required for the respective trip, provided he informs the selling agency at least 21 days in advance and on condition that the airline or other suppliers accept the name change (Change Name). The assignment of registration holds the assignor and the assignee jointly and severally liable for the payment of the travel price and for the additional charges arising.

1. The customer is obliged to complain to the service provider at the time of removal, deterioration or destruction of baggage.
2. In international transport, in case of damage to luggage, the claim must be made in writing to the carrier immediately, after the damage has been verified, and at most 7 days after delivery.
In case of a mere delay in the delivery of luggage, the claim must be made within 21 days from the date of delivery.
3. The submission of such a complaint will be an essential basis for triggering AMG Travel's responsibility over the service provider.
4. The agency's liability shall be limited to the maximum amount payable to entities providing the services, pursuant to the Montreal Convention of 28 May 1999 on International Air Transport.

Whenever there are other reasons that justify it, the organizing agency may change the order of the journeys, modify the departure times or replace any of the planned hotels with others of a similar category. If unforeseen circumstances force you to suspend any travel, customers will always be entitled to a refund of the amounts paid.

Price Change
The prices contained in the program are based on the costs of services and exchange rates in effect at the date of printing of that program, so they are subject to change resulting from changes in the cost of transportation or fuel, duties, taxes, fees and exchange rate fluctuations. . Whenever there is a change in the price of the trip, the customer will be immediately informed and invited to, within the time limit set, accept the increase verified or cancel his enrollment under the same terms and conditions as those provided for in the “Impossibility of Greeting".

Once the trip has started, no refund is due for services not used by the customer. Failure to provide services foreseen in the travel program for causes not attributable to the organizing agency, and if replacement by other equivalents is not possible, entitles the customer to the right to be reimbursed for the difference between the price of the services provided and that actually provided.

They can only be considered if they are presented in writing and within a period not exceeding 20 days after the end of the provision of services. They can only be accepted as long as they have been reported to the service providers (carriers, hotels, local agents, etc.) during the course of the trip or stay requiring the respective documents proving the occurrence.

Program Cancellations by the Agency
The agency reserves the right to cancel the package if the number of participants is less than the minimum required. In these cases, the client will be informed in writing of the cancellation within 8 days in advance, in which case the agency will not be liable for the termination.

The client must have in good order all his personal or family documentation (passports, identity cards, authorizations for minors, visas, vaccination certificates and others that may be required). Birth certificates or seats are not valid as a travel document. The organizing agency declines any responsibility for refusing to grant visas, or for not allowing entry to the client in a foreign country; in these cases, the conditions established for the cancellation of the trip apply, with the client still being accounted for any and all costs that the situation entails. When traveling in the European Union, customers must carry the respective European Health Insurance Card in order to obtain medical assistance.

Travel documents
The issuance of travel documents (airline tickets and vouchers) is subject to contractual conditions for group travel, so they cannot be issued far in advance of the departure date. Under exceptional conditions imposed by suppliers, emissions may have to be anticipated.

Bus Seats
During the circuit, seats on the bus will be occupied daily on a rotating basis.

Meals Included
Meals included, whether in restaurants or hotels, will be served to the group at a fixed time and with the same menu for all participants, with no changes.

Triple Rooms
Most of the hotels in this brochure do not have triple rooms. When hotels accept the accommodation of 3 people in the same room, it will be done in a double room with an extra bed, which may not be identical in quality and comfort.

Arrival and Departure Hours
The arrival and departure times in each city are indicated in the local time of the respective country and according to the times indicated by the transport companies at the date of printing of this program, so they are subject to change. For trips made in whole or in part by bus, the indicated hours are approximate. In all modes of transport, delays resulting from technical or other reasons related either to the means of transport themselves, to the transport companies, or to natural causes are highlighted.

At any time the passenger may withdraw from the trip by written communication, having the right to refund the amounts paid deducted from the following expenses;
1- Management expenses, are the expenses that the organizing agency and the selling agency have had to obtain travel reservations and also a percentage that can go up to 20% of the price of the trip (minimum € 25.00 per passenger).
2- Cancellation costs are non-refundable expenses by hotels, land transportation and guided visits.
3- Expenses with airline tickets when they are subject to specific conditions and cannot be refunded after being issued.

The prices mentioned already reflect value added tax (VAT) at the current rate.
Aviation Fees
The airport, security and fuel charges shown in this brochure were calculated at the time of printing. Due to constant changes, they are subject to price reconfirmation when tickets are issued.

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Em cumprimento da lei nº 144/2015 informamos que para a resolução de conflitos de consumo deve ser contactada a comissão arbitral do Turismo de Portugal www.turismodeportugal.pt